Wednesday 14 October 2015

Control The Unwanted Pregnancy With The Use Of Abortion Pills

Sometime women are not ready for the responsibility of a child or sometime accidently they get pregnant ,in such cases, women feel the need to abort their early pregnancy to live a happy and stress free life.In such cases the miracle medicine abortion pills work wonders by helping females terminate their pregnancy, which is of about 7-9 weeks long.This method is very simple and can be performed at home itself after consulting the medical expert.

The two types of medicine mifepristone and misoprostol works  in conjunction with each other which helps in abortion of the pregnancy which is followed by its after effects like the pelvic cramping,severe abdominal pain,vomiting,nausea etc.  After taking these pills there will be heavy flow which also includes flow of tissues, which is the proof that abortion has taken place which later can be confirmed by ultrasound process.